Today I called my mom in Florida to talk to her about a Doctor's appoitment I had last night. And to tell her that everything was ok with me that there was nothing more to be concerned about me with the problems I have had in the past with female Problems. Well just as we were talking she tells me that her biopsy one her Breast came back positive and that she has Breast Cancer, we don't know what stage it is at yet we find that out today. Right know it is so hard being so far away from her. i have a ton of questions I have for her and her doctors. I lost my MIL due to a stroke. But she had just gotten done beating Lung cancer that is very hard to beat.
My mom is a strong lady and can get through this I know that. But to think that I lost one amazing person in my life due to a stroke cause the chemo and radiation was hard on her body 2 years ago the October I am not willing to lose another amazing woman in my life. My mom and I not have always been close in life but I love her more that i can love her.
Please keep her in your prayer that they caught it early enough that she is going to be ok!!!