Ethan Powell is a small baby that was born on 12-5-06. He was diagnosed with a with a 1.6 million white blood cell count on 2-6-07 (on his two month check up). He has leukemia!!
Shortly after his diagnosis he was flown to St. Judeshe and they didnt think he would live the next 72 hours. He needed bone marrow but there wasnt a match so they did an experimental procedure. The 8 babies before him died. From what a friend has informed me of they replaced Ethan's stem cells with his dad's stem cells. He now has meningitis. If the cancer shows up within 100 days there is nothing more they can do because he has had all the chemos they can try on him, and there are no more to try.
This little boy is amazing!!! He has had some miraculous events in his life!!! Please keep him in your prayers, and if at all possible become one of his prayers warriors!!! There is strength in numbers, and there is power in prayer!! Please, take the time to visit his site, and take a small time out to say a prayer for this amazing little boy and his family!!